Newsletters on Stratigraphy (ISSN 0078-0421, e-ISSN 2363-6122)

Newsletters on Stratigraphy is an international, peer-reviewed journal with a focus on stratigraphic issues that are relevant for a broad geoscientific community. Papers published in Newsletters on Stratigraphy use (and ideally integrate) stratigraphic methodologies from a wide field of disciplines, including (but not limited to) biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and magnetostratigraphy.
The results have implications for paleogeographic reconstructions, paleoceanography, paleoclimate, biotic evolution, basin development, or regional and supraregional correlation.

Papers published in Newsletters on Stratigraphy comprise original research articles, background information on ongoing work of e.g., the International Stratigraphic Commission (ICS) and the International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification (ISSC), and review articles. There are no page charges for the publication of regular papers.

Online Version

Regular subscriptions include access to the online version. Newsletters on Stratigraphy also participates in CrossRef which allows direct access to referenced papers which are available online. The online edition is hosted by Schweizerbart here.

From Volume 50 (2017) on, 4 issues form 1 volume (previous volumes had 3 issues).

Abstracted/Indexed in:
Science Citation Index Expanded, Biological Abstracts, Geobase, Georef, Biosis Previews, Essential Science Indicators, Zoological Record.