Apr-Jun 2024_cover page jpg
Power and money exert control in all spheres, and healthcare is no exception. This issue has authors showing how the powerless are affected in myriad…
Research Articles
A quantitative analysis of publication trends in Iranian medical ethics and a comparison with EMRO countries
Power, policy, and transgender identities: A case study of gatekeeping by mental health professionals in accessing gender affirming surgeries in India
The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the research portfolio and approval turnaround time at the Kenya Medical Research Institute
“I pray to God that greed never sets in”: Community health workers’ reflections on “care” during the Covid-19 pandemic
Awareness and practice of Revised Code of Dental Ethics and Consumer Protection Act among dental practitioners in Andhra Pradesh: A cross sectional study
Online First
Submissions to IJME will be on the editorial management system (OJS) from May 15, 2024

IJME is shifting its submission process to an editorial management system — Open Journal Systems (OJS) — from May 15, 2024.

All authors are requested to register and submit their manuscripts through the OJS from May 15.

Prison systems must embrace disability rights as a human rights imperative
For decades, India has been a staunch supporter of the human rights regime. However, lately, its positive role has been jeopardised by glaring instances of human rights violations against prisoners, especially those with disabilities. Since the edifice of the Convention on the Rights of Persons w...
Steady undermining of the UK National Health Service underlies industrial action by doctors and other staff
Erosion of standard of healthcare in the United Kingdom underlies the industrial action taken recently by staff in the publicly provided National Health Service. Underfunding and understaffing, largely as a consequence of neoliberal government “austerity” policies implemented following the 2007-0...
Korsakoff Psychosis following involuntary treatment for alcohol use disorder
Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) are a major cause of global mortality and morbidity. In India, Alcohol Use Disorder is among the most prevalent of these [1]. Inadequate knowledge about the illness and its treatment, lack of resources, and regressive government policies (criminalisation of drug us...
“Research paper mills”: A factory outlet for dubious research
The primary objective of any research, regardless of its domain such as health, technology, psychology, or any other subject, is to enhance the overall well-being of individuals. Rigorous processes are involved in conducting research ethically and in communicating its outcomes to society. However...
The five hundred rupee note
This reflective piece deals with the challenges of healthcare delivery in a resource-constrained setting. The narrative is set in an emergency room and the story follows a doctor's desperate efforts to save a young girl suffering from disseminated tuberculosis, whose condition is exacerbated by e...
Nancy Olivieri: Sometimes, truth has only one face
Nancy Olivieri is a senior haematologist and professor at the University of Toronto, Canada. In the early 1990s, she was conducting investigator-initiated research of an experimental drug, deferiprone, in children with thalassaemia, for which a pharmaceutical company, Apotex, started giving some ...
Some personal reflections on prison medical care
This is a personal account of medical practices and healthcare behind bars, which draws on direct experiences and narrations from fellow prisoners, accumulated during eleven years in custody. It touches on issues of the relationship of medical professionals with the torture of detenus, the anarch...
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