About the Journal

Studies of Applied Economics is a peer-reviewed journal focused in the publication of empirical and theoretical papers in every field of Economics. Contributions which make use of the methods of mathematics, statistics, econometrics and operations research will be welcomed.

In line with this strategic objective we aim to achieve a high level of scientific quality, without depreciating the clarity of expression, helping to develop a comprehensive communication between the different lines of expertise existing within Applied Economics, facilitating the dialogue and reciprocal understanding.

We seek quality assurance through:

  • A comprehensive editorial board with participation of over thirty universities and other research centers, national, European, North American and Latin American.
  • A selection of articles through the usual procedure implemented in major international journals: double blind evaluation procedure.

In order to achieve a widespread diffusion of ideas:

  • We request associate editors, referees and authors to pay special attention to the clarity of expression in communicating the results of their work to the scientific community members belonging to different methodological traditions within the field of Applied Economics.
  • We group articles on monographs of relevant topics that could be raised through different approaches.
  • We include surveys of topics of special relevance.
  • We complement the printed edition with an electronic edition that provides a fast and flexible access to different members of the scientific community. Estudios de Economía Aplicada is not an Open Access journal. The published articles have a 2-years embargo period, except for subscribers.




For authors: Make your submission.


Message of condolescence


The journal Estudios de Economía Aplicada regrets to inform all its subscribers of the death of its Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. José García-Pérez.

The editorial team of the journal is grateful for all his dedication and efforts at the helm of the journal and would like to express its deepest condolences to his family.

His memory will always remain with us. May he rest in peace.

Read more about Message of condolescence

Current Issue

Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024): Advances in Econometric Modeling: Theory and Applications
					View Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024): Advances in Econometric Modeling: Theory and Applications

This issue is focused on "Advances in Econometric Modeling: Theory and Applications." Topics included are:

  • Recent developments in theoretical econometric models.
  • Estimation techniques and advanced methods in econometrics.
  • Innovative applications of econometrics in areas such as finance, macroeconomics, microeconomics, spatial econometrics, and more.
  • Time series models and economic forecasts.
  • Evaluation of economic policies using econometric tools.
  • Panel data analysis and its applications.
  • Machine learning applications to economics and finance.

Guest Editors:

Javier Sánchez García, University of Almeria, Spain.

Raffaele Mattera, Sapieza University of Rome, Italy.

Published: 2024-02-06


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Journal Indexed in: EconLit, RePec, Isoc, Latindex, Dialnet, Redalyc.