This publication is the property of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology. Rivadavia 1439. CABA. Buenos Aires, Argentina

ISSN 1669-2314 | ISSN 0325-8718



Cestrum parqui poisoning in cattle in Northwestern Argentina: report of 10 outbreaks

ABSTRACT Cestrum parqui is a perennial plant known for its toxicity in ruminants. This work describes several outbreaks of natural intoxication with C. parqui from different sources, affecting cattle in different production systems, with morbidity rates varying from 2,7% and 25%. Clinical signs included tremors in the hindquarters, recumbency, and death. The liver showed swelling, […]


Volume estimation of unbroken soybeans samples using digital image processing techniques

ABSTRACT The calculation of volume of different oilseed grains through computational models has demonstrated its effectiveness and efficiency. In the present work, the model has been extended to allow calculations of the soybean volume. The model proposes that each grain of the sample is assimilated to a parallelepiped with main axes L (length), W (width) […]


Growth response of two genetic materials of Eucalyptus to different height and time of pruning

ABSTRACT We conducted four experiments to evaluate the effects of different heights and times of pruning on the growth of Eucalyptus grandis and E. grandis x E. camaldulensis GC INTA 8 in Concordia (Entre Ríos, Argentina). During winter, two experiments were carried out on 20 months old stands and, during spring, two more experiments were […]


Tomato spotted wilt virus detection in the potato cultivar Innovator

ABSTRACT Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) causes important economic losses in potato production. The cultivar Innovator is the most widely used variety for potato industrial processing and the second most extensively grown cultivar in Argentina. The objective of this study was to identify the most suitable tissue sample for TSWV detection in potato cv. Innovator […]


Human-nature interaction approached from a bibliometric analysis of Malthus and Boserup

ABSTRACT The theoretical framework of Complex Adaptive Systems allows modeling human-environment interactions that are constantly evolving and have implications for sustainability. The aim of this paper is to identify which approach, Malthusian or Boserupian, has served as a reference in contemporary studies on the human-environment relationship. We carried out a systematic review of the scientific […]


Incorporation of environmental covariates to nonlinear mixed models describing fruit growth

Yield prediction is still a major challenge in pear production. Forecasting fruit growth after modeled curves allows predicting both potential yield and quality. This research aimed to fit multilevel no-linear mixed models (NLMM) based on logistic curves to describe pear growth in the Upper valley of Rio Negro and Neuquén, Argentina. The models incorporated several […]


PastorC-Tambo: a simplified model to assess carbon balance of dairy farms

Grazing systems have the potential to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve C balance through soil C sequestration. The inclusion of soil organic carbon (SOC) balance in farm scale models is needed to assess the C balance of grazing dairy systems. The objective of this work was to present and evaluate the sensitivity of […]

Current issue |

RIA 50 N.º 1 April 2024


PastorC-Tambo: a simplified model to assess carbon balance of dairy farms

Grazing systems have the potential to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve C balance through soil C sequestration. The inclusion of soil organic carbon (SOC) balance in farm scale models is needed to assess the C balance of grazing dairy systems. The objective of this work was to present and evaluate the sensitivity of […]


This section provides online versions of peer reviewed and accepted articles but have not yet been assigned to a RIA volume/issue.


Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and other mycobacteria in retail milk and dairy products in Argentina

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the etiologic agent of paratuberculosis or Johne’s disease (JD), a chronic enteritis disease that affects cattle and other animal species and has been linked to Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease in humans. MAP could resist pasteurization conditions and has been isolated from retail milk in several countries. […]


Case Report Outbreak of Winter Coccidiosis in calves from Northwestern Argentina

Coccidiosis is an intestinal infection caused by protozoans of the genus Eimeria. When the disease occurs in winter, it is known as winter coccidiosis. In July 2021, two calves were referred to INTA-Salta SDVE to determine the cause of death. These animals belonged to a herd that had shown clinical signs, such as bloody diarrhea, […]


Evaluación y análisis de técnicas de preservación de hortalizas de IV gama

En la actualidad, la tendencia para el consumo de alimentos mínimamente procesados como hortalizas y frutas de IV gama crece conforme los cambios en los hábitos de consumo. Los métodos de conservación favorecen la inocuidad y calidad de los alimentos, así como la preservación de sus propiedades nutricionales y sensoriales. En este sentido, se plantea […]



RIA: a transition process in the face of new challenges

in Spanish Since its creation in 1956, INTA has accompanied the national and regional agricultural sector by developing technological innovation actions in agricultural value chains, and also in different regions and territories to improve country’s competitiveness and sustainable rural development. Within its institutional strategy for the communication of technological and scientific advances, INTA has the […]

RIA: a transition process in the face of new challenges
Desarrollo de vacunas de nueva generación para uso veterinario

Desarrollo de vacunas de nueva generación para uso veterinario

La investigadora del INTA, Gabriela Calamante, pone el foco en los avances logrados desde la plataforma biotecnológica para el desarrollo de bioproductos para aves y mamíferos. Reconoce la capacidad del organismo para desarrollar vacunas, controlar y prevenir enfermedades que afectan a la salud animal.

Calamante, G.


Secuestro de carbono

Secuestro de carbono

La Alianza Mundial por el Suelo de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) se encuentra desarrollando actividades para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de los suelos en la lucha contra...




La atmósfera y los fenómenos que tienen lugar en ella juegan un papel de gran relevancia en relación a la vida en el planeta, por ello el hombre...


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